When i want to know a cause or more about phenomena, one possibility of knowing, if not possible to see directly the cause, is to use the deductive way...So step by step i exclude one by one each hypothesis till it stays only the one or few ones reasonably acceptable cause(s)...But making so i presume to know all the possible causes and effects for a given phenomenon, and thus maybe exclude an "unknown" cause because of the lack of my imagination...
For example, we know some species living in the oceans but not all, so we imagine preferably the oceans with known species, but the world of the oceans is much bigger than what we imagine...It's not so rare to discover a new kind of being in the abyss of the oceans...
So, most of the time what i state to be known, without obvious direct evidences of causes and effects, is in fact an acceptable and so-called "vue de l'esprit", just a more or less good approximation of knowing limited by my imagination, but not exactly knowing.